Here’s some burlesque drawings that show too much nudity for my vanilla site.
At Extravagant Shambles at Monster Ronsons, Stella von Fersen tempted us all as a Devil!
Always a pleasure to draw Ms. von Fersen!
Queenie o’Hart had a series of title cards.
Each one revealed something hurtful, othering, mealy-mouthed passive-aggressive or body-shaming that event producers have said to her in her career. Nevertheless, she persists with fabulousness!
Because she was covered with the title card but naked underneath, she violates Patreon’s policy on “implied nudity”. So this art goes here instead!
For Berlin Burlesque Week, feminist burlesque performer Rocky Ruz brought body politics.
She peeled the slut-shaming and hate speech right off her body and shook it like a boss!
At JewsJewsJews during Berlin Burlesque Week, Little Miss Piss had a knockout reveal!
However, there was too much excitement PACKED into it for the vanilla site.
I’m trying to work out crowd-funding for this site, because I want to make my art of the community and release it for free. But I haven’t figured it out yet, so you can help by handing me a Euro if you see me out drawing!