I finally finished up a bunch more of these drawings of Berlin life drawing muses E & L.
E & L, aka Rosiichbinnackt, no longer do life modeling so I was damn lucky to draw them! That’s L above; I just drew her twice 😉
You can see the previous posts from these wonderful community drawing sessions here and here.
The sessions were hosted by Lydia Schuchmann and Flavia Scuderi, two immensely talented professional working artists.
I wish you could see all the other drawings that were made there, there were some terrific draughtspeople!
And it was at one of these drawing sessions that I borrowed a chalk marker from Lydia. Using white chalk markers has opened up my drawings so much!!
Thanks a million to Lydia, Flavia, E and L!
Visit my flickr for free downloads of these drawings and many, many, many more. Remember you’ll need to be logged in to a flickr account with adult safeties turned off to see some of them 🙂